This was written by my dear friend Emily. Emily has been through fire. In the midst of that fire, a promise was being forged, one that took the form of a little boy named Starks who you will get to know through the images below. This is Emilys story...
To tell the story of Starks. This is a long road that ends happily. We call him lucky number seven. This strong, sweet, ferocious soul blessed us with his presence on Thomas Jefferson's birthday in Charlottesville VA. He was the sum total of six losses before him and up until two days before he was born we could not agree on his name. We finally agreed to name him William Starks Banton Harris and call him Starks. William means willpower and Starks means resolute and strong. I worried for a moment that it was too much. I was wrong. Each and every day I thank the angels in heaven for sending us our little "sour patch kid" who can charm us with a knowing glance and plow forward to embrace as much as this life can give him. I want The world to know that if I had to lose six to have him all over again I would do it. There is nothing more beautiful and more amazing than having this set of pictures to remember him by as he grows so quickly and seizes each day to it's fullest! We love him and we love these pictures.